I am Irma Jonatan
I help people to find themselves so they can start living instead of just surviving.
we can heal ourselves no matter what we have experienced
For the past 15 years I have been working with teens and adults who experienced abuse and trauma.
I lived and studied in England where I have worked in a forensic setting building my experience. For years now I have been working privately with individual clients.
I myself am a survivor of war. I believe passionately that we can heal ourselves no matter what we have experienced and I am a living example of that. Those experiences tend to hurt much more if they happen to you early in life. For years I thought I was broken beyond repair and I didn’t believe I could ever be joyful or happy, but I managed to not only heal, but to fully recover and rise to new heights.
Investing in yourself, taking time to understand how past experiences are shaping your present and addressing them is the way to overcome what is holding you back.
I fully subscribe to the notion that any treatment, help and support needs to be adjusted for each individual's needs.
That’s why I tailor my services according to my client’s circumstances, so that I can offer personalized, compassionate and holistic approach to recovery.
My approach is multimodal, where I integrate different therapeutic models (CAT, CBT, DBT, Schema Therapy, NLP, SFT, Trauma Work, CFT, PICT, DDT informed practice , etc.) to suit each client’s needs. It is personalized, tailored for the individual and client focused.
I offer personalized, compassionate and holistic approach to recovery.
I have also designed workshops and online courses dealing with emotions, identity, codependency, anger, depression, anxiety, meaning, healing trauma and/or abuse, relationships and conscious parenting.
Please feel free to arrange 15 minute consultation by e-mail, zoom, skype or other service.